Our last running dog for the day has completed the test, and the day was called at 6:10 pm.
National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
5th Series - End of Day
Pick-up 10. FC-AFC HIGH MILEAGE PRAIRIE SOCIETY, “Fancy,” LF, David Kress
Fancy and Dave came to the line at 4:59 pm
LF – A couple loops in the area and to her bird.
LR – Went to the area and made a big loop in towards the line, headed back and found the bird quickly.
RF – Good line out to the area, the looped left, looped right, then over to the guns and over to the right for another loop, back to the fall area and she located her bird.
RR – Ran deep and left, had a few loops, then over to the flyer fall - was handled and the guns came out to help. Dog was picked up.
Handle 8. HOORAY FOR HENRY, “Henry,” LM, Marion Carey
Henry and Marion came to the line at 4:48 pm
LF – Out to the area for a quick retrieve on this bird.
LR – Straight to the bird.
RF – Straight to the bird.
RR – Great line out to the area, but headed left and had to be handled back to the bird on this one.
Pick-up 7. RP’S HEART OF DIXIE, “Dixie,” LF, Randy Price
Dixie and Randy came to the line at 4:41 pm
LF – Out to the area and back in with her bird.
RF – Went deep and left of the flyer but came back to the bird and got it.
RR – Out to the area but missed it and had to be handled. Dog was then picked up.
**Worker's Party Tonight!**
Hope to See You All There!
Hawk and Scott came to the line at 4:32 pm
LF – Straight to the bird.
LR – One loop and he had his bird.
RF – Straight to the area and to the bird.
RR – Went under the arc, turned right and to the bird. Got it!
5. AFC ELI’S BIG CHIEF, “Chief,” LM, Heather Pfluger
Chief and Heather came to the line at 4:23 pm
LF – Went to the fall area and got the bird quickly
LR – Hunted a little deep and left but soon was back to get his bird.
RF – Line was behind the flyer guns, but he came over and quickly got his bird.
RR –One loop left and over to find his bird.
Handle 4. FC-AFC DOC’S MESA BOOGIE, “Mesa,” LF, William Smith
Mesa and William came to the line at 4:10 pm
LF – A couple loops under the arc and she got her bird.
RF – Right to the area, a loop and she had the bird.
LR – Drove deep and was handled back to the bird with a few whistles
RR – Hunted left of the blind several loops, came back in and located her bird.
Handle 3. CFC-CAFC BAYPOINT THANKSGIVING DREAM, “Cooper,” LM, Bernard Landry
Cooper and Bernard came to the line at 4:01 pm
LF – A few loops in the area and he got the bird!
RF – Drove deep and behind the flyer guns, a couple loops and he went to the fall area and got his bird.
LR – Hunted the area a few loops then drove deep, and was handled back to the bird.
RR – Drove a little deep out and had several loops, then he came back in and got his bird.
2. FC-AFC YOURS TRULY INDIGO, “Tru,” LF, Mark Medford
Tru and Mark came to the line at 3:52 pm
LF – A few loops under the arc to the bird and she got it.
LR – A few loops and she got her bird.
RF – Straight to the area, a few tight turns to get to the bird.
RR – Straight to the area and her bird.
Dozer and Alvin came to the line at 3:41 pm
LF – A few loops to get to his bird.
LR – A few loops and he had it.
RF – Several large loops behind the guns, then he came over and a couple of loops more to get his bird.
RR – A few large loops in the area and he got it.
Handle 114. BIG SKY’S LIVING THE DREAM QA2, “Tana,” LF, Karen Young
Karen and Tana came to the line at 3:29 pm
LF – Large flyer hunt (for a long flyer), mostly under the arc, but a few trips behind to the guns - but she finally gets the bird.
RF – Out to the area, a small hunt and she had her bird.
LR – Drove very long and hunted, and was handled back to this bird.
RR – Several loops and she located her bird.
113. AFC HIGH PEAK’S TANGLED UP IN BLUE, “Dylan,” LM, Samantha Thompson
Dylan and Samantha came to the line at 3:21 pm
LF – Tight area hunt to the bird.
LR – Went to the area, 3 tight turns and he got it.
RF – Quick retrieve of this bird.
RR – Large loop under the arc and went right to his bird.
112. FC-AFC WIGHT’S THE DARK SIDE, “Vader,” LM, Tracy Wight
Vader and Tracy came to the line ...
LF – Pounced on it!
LR – Good line - got it!
RF – Very good line but missed it and went deep - came back in and got it.
RR – Went deep back and forth - had an extended hunt but worked it out and got his bird.
111. AFC BAYOU TECHE PERFECT GAME, “Koufaxx,” LM, Lauren Hays
Koufaxx and Lauren came to the line at 2:52 pm
LF – Brief area hunt and he got it.
LR – Way deep almost to into the flyer - turned and came straight back for his bird.
RF – Straight to the fall area and his bird.
RR – Got wide left and came back to his bird.
Handle 110. FC YIPPY KAI YAY, “Kai,” LF, John Stracka
Kai and John came to the line
LF – Back and forth across the road just deep of the guns out to her bird.
LR – Nice mark.
RF – Out to the fall area for a quick hunt and she had her bird.
RR – Got deep of the area and a quick handle brought her back in for her bird.
Handle 108. FC-AFC TALL OAKS RAGS TO RUFUS, “Rufus,” LM, Phil Heye
Rufus and Phil came to the line ...
LF – Direct line mat to bird!
LR – Slammed it!
RF – Shot through the gunner area, got deep and shot back through and out to his bird.
RR – Went out too deep and handled back to the bird.
105. BLUE OYSTER RUSH. QA2 MH, “Rush,” LM, Pamela King
Rush and Pamela came to the line...
LF – Good line from the mat to the bird.
LR – Small area hunt and he got
RF – Into the fall area and then on to his bird.
RR – Got it!
101. FC-AFC SEASIDE’S SMARTY JONES, “Smarty,” LF, Derek Smith
Smarty and Derek came to the line at 2:19 pm
LF – Drilled it!
LR – Straight to it!
RF – Great line up the middle and into the fall area then on to the bird.
RR – Very nice.
Double Handle 100. AFC CITORI’S AGENT SLOANE, “Jack,” LF, Michael Moore
Jack and Michael came to the line ...
LF – Came into the fall area and scooped it up!
LR – Got deep and had to be handled back to the bird.
RF – Good Job on this mark.
RR – Out to the guns and then deep left, had an extended hunt deep and was handled to get the bird.
Jammer and Bobby came to the line at 2:00 pm
LF – Straight to it!
LR – Over the ridge and out to the bird!
RF – Hunted deep and around before he found his flyer
RR –Out to the gun station, back to the fall area and then the bird.
98. FC-AFC DRAKE’S BAY IZZY, “Izzy,” LF, Rick Wilke
Izzy and Rick came to the line ...
LF – Short hunt and she got it.
LR – Out over the ridge, a quick hook around to the bird.
RF – Ran to the fall area and got it for a good job.
RR – Nice Mark.
Tux and Jack came to the line at 1:39 pm
LF – Out to the area and then onto his bird.
LR – Got deep, took some big loops back over the ridge, then back out over the ridge, went way deep and close to the RF, had to be handled back to the bird.
RF – Good line, nice job!
RR – To the area in front of the guns then back to the bird.
96. FC-AFC SEASIDES SMOKIN JOE, “Frazier,” LM, Monte French
Frazier and Monte came to the line ...
LF – Straight to it!
LR – Quick loops and then he found it.
RF – Out to the guns and then got his bird.
RR – Came in behind the guns, then went wide and deep left, moved back to the fall area and got his bird.
Blue and Mike came to the line ...
LF – Straight to the bird.
RF – Way deep of the LR, got behind then in front of the RF and then he found his bird.
LR – 1 short loop and he got it
RR – Deep left of the guns, made a turn and he got it.
94. RIVERWOOD’S RED, SHAQ AND BLU QA2, “Red,” LF, Mark Giese
Red and Mark came to the line ...
LF – Perfect!
LR – Straight to it!
RF – Ran deep left, 2 big loops there, moved back to fall area and the bird.
RR – Out under the arc, went deep and came back in and worked it out. Got it.
93. HARDCORE TROUBADOR, “Earl,” LM, John Russell
Earl and John came to the line...
LF – Nice line, great job!
LR – Straight to it!
RF – Into the fall area and straight to his bird.
RR – Made quick work of a very nice mark.
Pick-up 90. FC-AFC HIGH PEAK’S AMERICAN SNIPER, “Kyle,” LM, Justin Aimone
Kyle and Justin came to the line ...
LF – 1 loop and he scooped up his bird.
RF – Straight to the bird.
LR – Ran past the area to the fake trees, had to be handled back, put on a hunt and then had the guns out to help. Dog was picked up.
89. FC-AFC COAL DELIVERY’S BLACK BETTY, “Betty,” LF, Alvin Hatcher
Betty and Alvin came to the line at 12:45 pm
LF – Nailed it!
LR – Over the ridge and deep, but came back in for the bird.
RF – Hunted the area and she got it.
RR – Very extended hunt, got it her bird.
Raymond and Bert came to the line ...
LF – Straight to it!
LR – A few loops and he got his bird.
RF – Lost sight of the dog, but he quickly came back with his bird.
RR – A couple loops and he had his bird.
87. FC-AFC BLACKWATER DEXTER, “Dexter,” LM, Dale Willard
Dexter and Dale came to the line at 12:16 pm
LF – A few loops in the area and he had his bird.
LR – Out under the arc, went slightly past it, came right back and got his bird.
RF – One loop left and then back to the bird.
RR – One loop on the left and straight to the bird.
Breeze and Andy came to the line at 12:07 pm
LF – Short area hunt and she got her bird.
LR – Straight to the area and the bird.
RF – Good line out and she recovered this bird quickly.
RR – Went to the area, a few small loops and she had her bird.
Dancer and Chris came to the line at 11:59 am
LF – Straight to the area and to the bird.
LR – Hunted the area, several large loops, a very short pop and then she got her bird.
RF – Went to the area, and had a short hunt to get to the bird.
RR – A couple loops and she got it!
82. FC-AFC BAYOU TECHE EXPRESS, “Ryan,” LF, Lauren Hays
Ryan and Lauren came to the line at 11:51 am
LF – Straight to the area and got the bird
LR – Under the arc and quickly got her bird.
RF – Very quick to the area and to her bird.
RR – Out under the arc line, then a brief hunt left and right until she got her bird.
Handle 81. FC-AFC BOO’S STRAIGHT LINE IS GOOD IDEA, “Torq,” LM, Joel Earls
Torq and Joel came to the line at 11:42 am
LF – Straight to his bird.
LR – Ran out under the arc but kept going, came back closer but then went long again and hunted - needed to be handled to this bird.
RF – Straight to the area, a few loops and he had his bird.
RR – Good line out to the area, short hunt was established and he got his bird.
78. KID’S NAVIGATOR, “Gator,” LM, Cynthia Howard
Gator and Cynthia came to the line at 11:32 am
LF – Straight to it!
LR – Out to the area, one small loop and on to the bird!
RF – Went in under the arc and took several loops and got his bird.
RR –One loop left of the blind, then back over to scoop up his bird.
Thanks again to All of Our Generous 2023 National Amateur Championship Blog Sponsors!!
Please let these folks know we appreciate their sponsorship and helping to make this blog possible!
Our Additional Blog Sponsors:
77. FC-AFC PINETREE’S PARTY GIRL, “Snookie,” LF, Delma Hazzard
Snookie and Delma came to the line at 11:22 am
LF – Right to the bird!
LR – Under the arc, curved around to the bird.
RF – Line was behind the guns, a couple loops over to the area and hunted awhile, came back with her bird!
RR – Line was under the arc, she made 3 loops and got the bird.
76. FC-AFC BAYOU TECHE PAINT THE BLACK, “Madduxx,” LM, Jamie Woodson
Madduxx and Jamie came to the line at 11:14 am
LF – One large loop and he got his bird.
LR – Ran past it, made one loop slightly deep and then worked it out and got the bird.
RF – Line was straight out to the area and got his bird.
RR – A few loops under the arc and then he had his bird.
**Dog Found**
This dog was found last night at the West Polson dog park. We need help finding his owner!
If you recognize this dog, please contact us! info@theretrievernews.com
Rerun Handle 67. AFC BENTWATER’S PERFECT STORM, “Hailee,” LF, Steve Helgoth
Hailee and Steve came to the line at 11:04 am
LF – Right to her bird!
RF – Hunted very deep and left of RF with several large loops, but she came up with the bird after hunting it up!
LR – Ran deep and had to be handled back in to this bird.
RR – Straight to the bird!
Pick-up 74. TIME WILL TELL, “Willy,” LM, John Lash
Willy and John came to the line at 10:58 am
LF – Straight to the bird, a couple tight turns and he got it
LR – Came back without a bird ... did not complete the test. Pick-up.
73. FC-AFC EXECUTION SOUTHERN STYLE - LETHAL, “Lethal,” LM, Johnny Armstrong
Lethal and Johnny came to the line ...
LF – Straight to the bird!
LR – Several large loops left and right and then he got his bird.
RF – One loop in the area and he got the bird!
RR – Large area hunt, but he got his bird.
71. AFC OLLIE OOP, “Ollie,” LF, John Stracka
Ollie and John came to the line at 10:41 am
LF – Quick retrieve on this bird!
LR – Straight to her bird.
RF – Lost sight of the dog, but she made a quick retriever of this bird.
RR – A few loops under the arc and to the right and she got her bird.
Handle 70. FC QUACKADDICT’S HEAVY HITTER, “Blitz,” LM, James Street
Blitz and James came to the line at 10:32 am
LF – Straight to the area and got his bird.
LR – Straight to his bird!
RR – Went to the area, hunted briefly and came back with his bird.
RF – Headed close to the old LR fall area and was handled to this bird.
Pick-up 69. SCANDIA VALLEYS FIELD OF DREAMS, “Brody,” LM, David Furin
Brody and David came to the line at 10:21 am
LF – Hunted the area a little while and got his bird!
LR – Over the ridge and right to the bird.
RF – One loop left of the guns and over to the right to the bird.
RR – Hunted deep between the RF and RR, attempted to handle when he headed too far left, but guns came out to help. Dog was picked up.
This is Cool!
Handle 68. TECHE’S BAYOU KAT, “Kate,” LF, Wayne Stupka
Kate and Wayne came to the line at 10:11 am
LF – Straight to her bird!
LR – A couple small loops and quickly got her bird!
RF – Established a hunt but had to be handled to this bird.
RR – Kate ran deep and wide left, established a hunt for several loops and then she worked it out and had her bird.
Nobird 67. AFC BENTWATER’S PERFECT STORM, “Hailee,” LF, Steve Helgoth
Hailee and Steve came to the line at 10:09 am and had a no bird, they will come back after 6 running dogs...
Poncho and Jim came to the line at 10:01 am
LF – Straight to the bird
LR – Over the ridge and got his bird!
RF – Line was right of the bird, hunted several large loops right and back left before working it out and getting to the bird.
RR – Quick Handle, but was not able to finish, dog was picked up.
McQueen and Linda came to the line at 9:36 am
LF – Excellent line to his bird!
LR – Into the fall area and he quickly got his bird!
RF – Out to the fall area, good tight hunt and he got his bird!
RR – Went right of the fall area and missed it, got deep and then was able to work it out and he got it!
Nobird Rerun 46. AFC CACHE LA POUDRE J.J. JOHNSTON, “J.J.,” LM, John Goettl
JJ and John came back to the line at 9:59 am but had a 3rd no bird, they will now go to the end of the running order ...
Photo Scrapbook - UpClose Photo - Mark Atwater
Thank you Mark Atwater for these AMAZING scrapbook photos of the 2023 NARC so far ... Enjoy!
And check out Mark's website for more from this National and to Order Portraits! UpClosePhoto.com
![]() |
Judges Julie Cole, Randy Spangler and Barb Younglove |
62. FC-AFC COOLWATER’S BELIEVE IT OR NOT, “Ripley,” LM, Alex Washburn
Ripley and Alex came to the line at 9:23 am
LF – Excellent line straight to the bird!
LR – Out into the fall area and quickly found his bird.
RF – Went to the area, found the gunners and established a hunt - worked from the area in front of the guns out to his bird. Got it!
RR – Wide left going out, got deep left of the guns and established a hunt deep but worked it out and came in for his bird.
Lexie and Ken came to the line at 9:09 am
LF – Out to the fall area, missed on the first pass, came back short and then got it on the next line deeper.
RF – Went for the LR but got too deep on the 1st line and ended up retrieving the Right Flyer instead.
RR – Went out for the RR and slipped through getting close to the RF area and was handled back to this bird.
LR – Out over the ridge and missed it, had an extended hunt, the guns came out to help and the dog was picked up.
Handle 58. FC-AFC KID’S SIR DRAKE OF MILE MARKER SIX, “Drake,” LM, Breck Howard
Drake and Breck came to the line at 8:59 am
LF – Very nice line to this bird!
LR – Up onto the ridge, adjusted his line and went straight to the bird. Very nice.
RF – Started a hunt a little short but worked it out quickly and got his bird.
RR –Found the guns, worked away from the fall area and was handled back to the bird.
Luke and Bert came to the line at 8:50 am
LF – Shot just cleared the road - Luke hunted a little deep but worked his way back to the bird.
LR – Perfect line to this bird!
RF – Went out and quickly got his bird.
RR – Out straight to the fall area, was on the near side of the bushes - got to the end and turned back for his bird.
Bravo and Debbie came to the line at 8:39 am
LF – Hunted a little short first, but very tight. Nice Job!
LR – Hunted deep left of the fall, worked his way back in and got his bird!
RR – Wide area hunt, before he got it and scooped up his bird!
RF – Nailed it!
Nobird Rerun 46. AFC CACHE LA POUDRE J.J. JOHNSTON, “J.J.,” LM, John Goettl
JJ and John came back to the line at 8:35 am but had a 2nd no bird, they will be back again after 6 running dogs...
Handle 55. DOT’S BABY SUGAR RAY, “Ray,” LM, Mark Burke
Ray and Mark came to the line at 8:26 am
LR – Over the ridge and straight to the bird
LF – Tow bird - Drilled it! Perfect line to his bird.
RF – Out over the ridge and across the field, straight to the bird.
RR –Out to the area and missed it - went deep and was handled back to the bird.
53. FC-AFC WOOD RIVER’S PERFECT PASS, “Lonzo,” LM, Bill Fruehling
Lonzo and Bill came to the line at 8:17 am
LF – Straight to the fall area - a few tight turns and he got it!
LR – Straight to the fall area and his bird!
RF – Out a little deep, but quickly back to the fall area and his bird.
RR – Went out and found the guns, went left and then quickly back right and hunted up his bird.
52. FC-AFC J & C’s ANOTHER ROUND IN THE CHAMBER, “Bullet,” LM, Joseph Couey
Bullet and Joseph came to the line at 8:07 am
LF – Straight to it!
LR – Over the ridge and established a hunt, several tight circles into the fall area, expanded the hunt and he got it!
RF – Straight to the fall area and quickly got his bird!
RR – Very nice job!
51. AFC TUBB’S GREATEST HIT, “Walker,” LM, George Francis
Walker and George came to the line at 7:57 am
LF – Out to the fall area, missed it and established a hunt both left and right, but he worked it out and got his bird.
LR – Out around the left end of the ridge, behind the guns, out to the fall area and the bird.
RF – Out to the fall area, a few short turns and he got it!
RR –Out under the arc and deep, worked his way back in and got his bird!
Foxx and Lauren came to the line at 7:47 am
LF – Straight to it!
LR – Over the ridge, left of the guns and back to the fall area and quickly to his bird.
RF – Across the field, over the ridge and in front of the guns to the fall and the bird.
RR – Across the right end of the ridge, out towards the guns, he established a hunt and was fading towards the flyers - was handled to this bird
49. HOT LIPS HOULIHAN QA2, “Houli,” LF, Delana Potter-Meiers
Houli and Delana came to the line at 7:39 am
LF – Out straight to her bird!
LR – Across the field, over the ridge, she turned left behind the guns and then back out to the bird.
RF – Out across both fields and the ridge, got to the area in front of the guns and quickly grabbed her bird.
RR – Straight to the bird! Nice Job!
Nobird 46. AFC CACHE LA POUDRE J.J. JOHNSTON, “J.J.,” LM, John Goettl
JJ and John came to the line at 7:22 am but had a no bird, they will be back after 6 dogs...
Mickey and Robby came to the line at 7:10 am
LF – Pounced on it!
LR – Came in close to the guns, circled behind the holding blind and then went straight out to the bird
RF – Absolutely pinned it!
RR – Out long right, circled and worked his way back in to the guns and then his bird.
5th Series Test Dogs
Owners: The Davis Family, Owasso, OK
Handler: Seth Kelly
First Test Dog up this morning was Milli with handler Seth Kelly ... they came to the line at 6:33 am
LF (Left Flyer) – One small loop at the blind and she got it.
LR (Left Retired) – Straight to the bird!
RR (Right Retired) – Hunted left and right, had a medium-long hunt, but she got her bird
Next test dog to the line was Buddy with handler John Robinson .... they came to the line at 6:44 am
LR (Left Retired) – Straight to it!
RR (Right Retired) – A few large loops and then he was to the bird.
5th Series
Series 5 – Land Quad
Good Morning - Day 4 of the NARC
Good Morning! Today we are kicking off the 5th Series with 82 dog teams that were called back to run this test. We are officially at the Mid-point of this National, where the challenges are increasing and the best of the best are giving 100%!
This test will be a Land Quad and is sure to be a challenge for all. We will see which teams are up for this challenging test!
The weather conditions here today are currently in the low 40's temperature-wise, and should be going up to around 60 this afternoon. There is barely a light breeze currently and the skies are sunny with a few clouds. There is a chance for rain to move back into the area later this morning with isolated storms. But will hopefully just be partly cloudy this afternoon.
We are starting the 5th series as I type ... looking forward to an exciting day at this National!