Our last running dog for the day in this series completed the test, and the day was called at 6:04 pm.
National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog
Sunday, June 18, 2023
3rd Series - End of Day
84. FC-AFC RIVERWATCH GETS A LIMIT, “Limit,” LM, Mark Medford
Limit and Mark came to the line at 5:57 pm
F – Straight to the bird!
Ret. Bridge – Straight through the water and to his bird!
Ret. Island – Lined out to the holding blind, made a couple loops and then went left over to the island and his bird.
Rerun 74. TIME WILL TELL, “Willy,” LM, John Lash
Willy and John came back to the line at 5:52 pm
F – Smacked it!
Ret. Bridge – Into the channel and out on the left side, ran straight to his bird!
Ret. Island – Down the field to just left of the blind, made a hard left to the island and the bird! Nice job!
Dancer and Chris came to the line at 5:46 pm
F – Lined under the arc and then right over to the bird!
Ret. Bridge – Good line and she has her bird!
Ret. Island – Line out to just inside the holding blind, then she turned left and went straight for the bird!
82. FC-AFC BAYOU TECHE EXPRESS, “Ryan,” LF, Lauren Hays
Ryan and Lauren came to the line at 5:38 pm
F – Perfect line to her bird!
Ret. Bridge – Into the channel and swam straight to the bird!
Ret. Island – Straight down the field across the water and onto the island to her bird. Very nice!
Torq and Joel came to the line at 5:33 pm
F – Straight to the bird!
Ret. Bridge – Straight through the water and to his bird!
Ret. Island – Lined under the arc and turned left and swam to the island and the bird.
78. KID’S NAVIGATOR, “Gator,” LM, Cynthia Howard
Gator and Cynthia came to the line at 5:27 pm
F – Came in under the arc, hard left to the fall area, 1 loop and he had the bird!
Ret. Bridge – Into the channel and swam to the end of the point on the right, back to the point on the left and got his bird.
Ret. Island – Out right of the blind, makes a spinning move, turns left and gets to the island and his bird.
77. FC-AFC PINETREE’S PARTY GIRL, “Snookie,” LF, Delma Hazzard
Snookie and Delma came to the line at 5:20 pm
F – Straight to the bird!
Ret. Bridge – Straight through the water and to the bird!
Ret. Island – Straight to the bird again, Very nice!
76. FC-AFC BAYOU TECHE PAINT THE BLACK, “Madduxx,” LM, Jamie Woodson
Madduxx and Jamie came to the line at 5:12 pm
F – Straight to this bird!
Ret. Bridge – Into the near end of the pond, swam to the fall area and then the bird!
Ret. Island – Straight down the hill out to the island and right to the bird! Nice!
Nobird 74. TIME WILL TELL, “Willy,” LM, John Lash
Willy and John came to the line at 5:08 pm and had a no bird on the flyer, they will be back after 6 dogs...
73. FC-AFC EXECUTION SOUTHERN STYLE - LETHAL, “Lethal,” LM, Johnny Armstrong
Lethal and Johnny came to the line at 5:04 pm
Ret. Island – Straight to the bird!
Ret. Bridge – Straight to the bird from the right side point.
F– Under the arc and went left to get his bird.
Rerun Handle 67. AFC BENTWATER’S PERFECT STORM, “Hailee,” LF, Steve Helgoth
Hailee and Steve came back to the line at 4:57 pm
F – Into the area, a brief turn or two and she got it.
Ret. Bridge – Swam straight to the bird.
Ret. Island – Went out left of the island, upwind and missed it, had to be handled back to the bird.
Handle 72. AFC ANGELS ENVY, “Whiskey,” LF, Rich Pingatore
Whiskey and Rich came to the line at 4:51 pm
F – Nice mark!
Ret. Bridge – Up on the point, then straight across the water to the bird.
Ret. Island – Took a line out right of the blind, then up on the land and an immediate whistle to bring him back to get his bird.
71. AFC OLLIE OOP, “Ollie,” LF, John Stracka
Ollie and John came to the line at 4:46 pm
F – Beautiful Job!
Ret. Bridge – Into the channel and up the right side, cut across to the left point and the bird.
Ret. Island – Into the channel under the arc, swam right to the island and the bird. Nice job!
Rerun 58. FC-AFC KID’S SIR DRAKE OF MILE MARKER SIX, “Drake,” LM, Breck Howard
Breck and Drake came back to the line at 4:38 pm
Ret. Island – Straight to it with a curve in from the right.
Ret. Bridge – Straight to it!
F – Under the arc and right to the bird! Nice job!
70. FC QUACKADDICT’S HEAVY HITTER, “Blitz,” LM, James Street
Blitz and James came to the line...
F – Very nice line, came in about 15' off of his bird, 3 hops over and he got it!
Ret. Bridge – Into the corner of the channel, down the right side, re-entered and crossed the channel and got his bird.
Ret. Island – Right of the holding blind, turned right at the ditch, swam back left to the island and got his bird.
Brody and David came to the line at 4:12 pm
F – Under the arc and a small hunt to the bird.
Ret. Bridge – Straight to the bird!
Ret. Island – Wide right of the holding blind, out of sight for a little while, then showed up right of the island and went straight for the bird!
68. TECHE’S BAYOU KAT, “Kate,” LF, Wayne Stupka
Kate and Wayne came to the line at 4:04 pm
F – Excellent!
Ret. Bridge – Out to the pond, down the bank to the tip of the point, swam to the left point and the bird.
Ret. Island – Wide right into the ditch, back up this side by the blind, into the water, out to the island and her bird!
Nobird 67. AFC BENTWATER’S PERFECT STORM, “Hailee,” LF, Steve Helgoth
Hailee and Steve came to the line and had a no bird on the flyer, they will be back after 6 dogs...
Poncho and Jim came to the line at 3:51 pm
F – Creeps pretty far out, but came back to the line and then pinned his flier!
Ret. Bridge – Into the near corner of the pond, out and down to the right end, into the pond and swam across the channel straight to his bird.
Ret. Island – Drove straight down the field, out onto the island was upwind and he missed the bird! Re-entered the pond, and started up the far side before being handled back to the bird.
Lexie and Ken came back to the line at 3:45 pm
F – Under the arc and turned to get the bird.
Ret. Bridge – Great line to the bird through the water!
Ret. Island – Went through the water and was handled when she continued up the mound, got the bird with only a couple of whistles.
Nobird 58. FC-AFC KID’S SIR DRAKE OF MILE MARKER SIX, “Drake,” LM, Breck Howard
Drake and Breck came back to the line and had another no bird on the flyer, they will be back again after 6 dogs...
McQueen and Linda came to the line at 3:32 pm
F – 3 loops and he scooped it up!
Ret. Bridge – Into the right corner of the channel, out of the water and ran to the end of the right side, jumped back in and swam across straight to his bird.
Ret. Island – Went way right, back to the gun station for a loop then to the island for his bird.
64. FC-AFC TIPPECANOE’S SHEAMUS, “Amos,” LM, George Wamsley
Amos and George came to the line at 3:26 pm
F – 1 loop behind the guns and back over to his bird.
Ret. Bridge – Up on the point, a couple loops on the land, then into the water and to the bird.
Ret. Island – His line was pretty far right, but he came back and got his bird!
62. FC-AFC COOLWATER’S BELIEVE IT OR NOT, “Ripley,” LM, Alex Washburn
Ripley and Alex came to the line at 3:16 pm
F – Straight to it!
Ret. Bridge – Into the channel & angled across straight to the bird!
Ret. Island – Pinned it! Nice job!
Pick-up 61. FC-AFC HIGH ROAD ABE, “Abe,” LM, Randi Johannis
Abe and Randi came to the line at 3:09 pm
F – Line was just right of the bird, turned left and she got it!
Ret. Bridge – Got up on the point but went straight across the water to the bird.
Ret. Island – Went part way through the pond and was handled when he went up on the mound. after many whistles the guns came out to help. Dog was picked up.
Handle 60. AFC WILL THE CIRCLE BE UNBROKEN QA2, “Wilma,” LF, Mark Huffman
Wilma and Mark came to the line at 3:02 pm
F – Straight to it!
Ret. Bridge – Cut across the channel and swam straight to the bird!
Ret. Island – Straight to the island, was upwind of the bird so she went over the island and into the pond and up the hill. Stopped and handled back to the bird.
Lexie and Ken came to the line and had a no bird, they bill be back after 6 dogs ...
Nobird 58. FC-AFC KID’S SIR DRAKE OF MILE MARKER SIX, “Drake,” LM, Breck Howard
Drake and Breck came to the line at 2:53 pm and had a no bird on the flyer, they will be back after 6 dogs
Luke and Bert came to the line at 2:48 pm
F – Under the arc and he got it!
Ret. Bridge – A couple loops on the point and straight across the water to the bird.
Ret. Island – Went in the water right of the island, turned left and straight to the bird. Nice job!
Bravo and Debbie came to the line at 2:40 pm
Ret. Island – Got this bird clean!
Ret. Bridge – Down the right side onto the point, crossed left and got his bird!
F – Out under the arc, turned left and straight to the bird.
Foxx and Lauren came back to the line at 2:34 pm
F – Under the arc, a couple loops and he was on to his bird.
Ret. Bridge – Up on the point and straight across the water to the bird.
Ret. Island – Came in from the right and went to the island and then to the bird. Nice!
Conditions Report
The wind has changed to be stronger moving left to right across this test and it is proving to be helpful to the dogs running!
55. DOT’S BABY SUGAR RAY, “Ray,” LM, Mark Burke
Ray and Mark came to the line at 2:25 pm
F – Came in just right of his bird, turned and got it quick!
Ret. Bridge – Into the 1st piece of channel, hugged the right shore to the end, then swam across the channel to the bird.
Ret. Island – Crossed the water at the blind on the far side, just before he reached the bank he turned right and went for the island and for his bird!
Rerun Handle 48. AFC SALLY BE GOOD, “Sally,” LF, Terry Foltz
Sally and Terry came back to the line at 2:18 pm
F – Out under the arc, turned left and she got it.
Ret. Bridge – Into the water, turned and got her bird.
Ret. Island – Crossed the pond right of the island, was immediately handled when she reached the land, went straight to the island and got her bird.
54. FC-AFC HUNTER’S CHOICE XX, “Archie,” LM, L. William Goldstein
**NEW** Announcement
**NEW ANNOUNCEMENT** The Judges have Announced that today will conclude after dog #84 runs or by 6pm – whichever comes first! All dogs after #84 are excused for today! The 3rd Series will resume tomorrow morning. Watch the blog to confirm the start time!
Handle 53. FC-AFC WOOD RIVER’S PERFECT PASS, “Lonzo,” LM, Bill Fruehling
Lonzo and Bill came to the line at 2:06 pm
F – Lined straight to the area, turned and he got his bird.
Ret. Bridge – Straight line through the water and to his bird!
Ret. Island – Swam left of the island and an immediate whistle brought him to the island and the bird.
52. FC-AFC J & C’s ANOTHER ROUND IN THE CHAMBER, “Bullet,” LM, Joseph Couey
Bullet and Joseph came to the line ... (Bullet was vocal with excitement!)
F – Out to the fall area, had a small hut and he got it.
Ret. Bridge – Into the channel on an excellent angle, carried him right to the bird.
Ret. Island – Straight to the island, turned right and he got it! Nice!
Handle 51. AFC TUBB’S GREATEST HIT, “Walker,” LM, George Francis
Walker and George came to the line at 1:53 pm
F – Lined under the arc, turned left and ran right to the bird.
Ret. Island – Line took him into the water left of the island, the dog came to shore and was immediately handled to come back to the island and the bird.
Ret. Bridge – Swam to the point but turned and immediately went across the water and to the bird.
Foxx and Lauren came to the line and had a no bird on the flyer, they will be back after 6 dogs...
49. HOT LIPS HOULIHAN QA2, “Houli,” LF, Delana Potter-Meiers
Houli and Delana came to the line at 1:42 pm
Ret. Island – Went to the island first and did an excellent job!
Ret. Bridge – Into the channel, swam at an angle straight to the bird!
F – Came in under the arc, turned and she got it!
Nobird 48. AFC SALLY BE GOOD, “Sally,” LF, Terry Foltz
Sally and Terry came to the line and had a no bird on the Flyer, they will come back after 6 ...
JJ and John came to the line ...
F – Beautiful straight line to his bird.
Ret. Bridge – Into the channel, crossed the water - and came out to his bird.
Ret. Island – Cross to the far side for a hunt, but worked it out and got his bird.
Handle 44. FC-AFC HEARTBEAT’S GEORGIA PEANUT, “Peanut,” LF, Julie Kobach
Peanut and Julie came to the line at 1:14 pm
F – Straight to the bird.
Ret. Bridge – Out on the right hand point for a serious hunt, back into the channel crossed and got his bird.
Ret. Island – Out of the pond on the left side, a quick handle back to the island and the bird.
Mickey and Robby came to the line at 1:22 pm
F – Straight to the fall area, turned around and scooped up his bird.
Ret. Island – Into the water, left of the island and turned straight for the bird.
Ret. Bridge – Went up on the point and a loop around where the guns were, into the water, a few loops, back on the point, another loop, back in the water and to the blind.
Handle 43. AFC RIVERWOOD’S WINDY BLU, “Blu,” LF, Mark Giese
Blue and Mark came to the line at 12:52 pm
F – Line under the arc, a few close turns and she got her bird.
Ret. Bridge – Went out to the point, but was handled when she went out too deep.
Ret. Island – Hunted on land and had several large loops, then into the water and over to the island and she got her bird!
Handle 42. FC-AFC TAMARACK’S LONG RIDER, “Cole,” LM, David Furin
Cole and David came to the line at 12:44 pm
F – Good line to the flyer, under the arc and turned left to grab his bird.
Ret. Bridge – A short hunt right and left and then across the water and he got it!
Ret. Island – Into the water, left of the island, a quick handle directly to the island and the bird.
Handle 41. NAFC-FC BRISTOL’S NORTH SLOPE PTARMIGAN, “Ptar,” LM, Doreen Comrie-Bristol
Star and Doreen came to the line at 12:37 pm
F – Straight to the bird!
Ret. Bridge – Went on the point and immediately got into the water and straight to the bird.
Ret. Island – Line took him through the water left of the island and was handled back as soon as he got on land, he had several whistles to get his bird.
Handle 40. AFC STEP ON IT MARGARET, “Gretta,” LF, Mark Jenson
Gretta and Mark came to the line ...
F – Out under the arc, looped left and got her bird!
Ret. Bridge – Into the near end of the channel, out on the right side, hunted the blind, off the right point and swam to the left and got his bird.
Ret. Island – Rand to the left side of the pond, swam across the pond, stopped on the far shore and was handled back to the bird.
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Midday Conditions Report
The weather this afternoon is right around 59 degrees with partly sunny skies. The wind direction has changed to be more left to right across the test now at about 13mph.
Rerun Handle 32. AFC MEADOW WOODS GIRLS JUST DO IT, “Just,” LF, Judy Despenas
Just and Judy came back to the line at 12:21 pm
F – Excellent line to her bird!
Ret. Bridge – Went to the right point and hunted, then the left point and she got it!
Ret. Island – Went out under the arc, climbing the far hill, handler stopped her and she was handled back to the bird.
Poncho and Malcolm came to the line at 12:14 pm
F – Went under the arc, had a few loops and then he got his bird.
Ret. Bridge – Quick hunt on the gunners point and then into the water and over to his bird.
Ret. Island – Hunted the land right of the island for a few loops, then into the water and he got his bird.
Deacon and Mark came to the line at 12:07 pm
Ret. Bridge – Down the right side of the channel, swam across the pond and then swam back to the left point and got his bird.
Ret. Island – Came in under the arc and took a right - hunted but then worked his way back crossed and got it!
F – Small hunt and he got his bird!
Handle 37. FC PLEASANT RIVER KING EIDER, “King,” LM, Anne Marshall
King and Anne came to the line at 11:59 am
F – Straight to the area, a tight loop and he got it!
Ret. Bridge – Straight through the water and to his bird.
Ret. Island – Went through the water under the arc, kept going on land and was quickly handled back to the bird.
36. AFC IZZY GITTIN’ BIZZY, “Izzy,” LF, Jim Horneck
Izzy and Jim came to the line ...
F – Beautiful line straight to her bird!
Ret. Bridge – Out to the right - then to the left point and she had her bird.
Ret. Island – Out under the arc, then turned left directly to the bird!
Handle 35. AFC LAGUNA CREEK’S FIRST MATE, “Sailor,” LM, Sonya Harrigfeld-Jackson
Sailor and Sonya came to the line at 11:44 am
F – Line brought him in under the arc, then he took a loop left and right to find his bird.
Ret. Bridge – Straight to his bird!
Ret. Island – Perfect line across the island and kept going ... a quick handle to the bird was made.
Hex and Brian came to the line ...
F – Smacked It!
Ret. Bridge – Out on the right point, back in and swam to his bird.
Ret. Island – Straight to the bird! Nice!
Nobird 32. AFC MEADOW WOODS GIRLS JUST DO IT, “Just,” LF, Judy Despenas
Just and Judy came to the line and had a Nobird on the Flyer, they will be back after 6 dogs
31. FC-AFC BEAVER RUNS ZIG ZAG ZEKE, “Zeke,” LM, Leigh Windham
Zeke and Leigh came to the line at 11:28 am
F – Straight to the area, turned and grabbed his bird!
Ret. Bridge – Went to the gun area, 1 loop and into the water he went, straight to the bird!
Ret. Island – Straight to the bird! Very nice!
Ike and Greg came to the line at 11:20 am
F – Smack!
Ret. Bridge – Into the channel, out onto the right point with the gunners blind, 1 loop wide right then swam the channel and got his bird.
Ret. Island – Great line out, got deep and headed up the hill, but had to be handled back to the bird.
Handle 29. COOLWATER’S SOUNDS OF SUMMER, “Cricket,” LF, Alex Washburn
Cricket and Alex came to the line at 11:08 am
F – Line brought her under the arc, 2 loops back and forth and she got her bird.
Ret. Bridge – Came in through the water to the bridge, then came right back to the bird.
Ret. Island – Through the water and kept going up the mound - was handled with several whistles back to the island and the bird.
Handle 28. FC-AFC TROUBLESOME FOWL DELIVERY, “Dealer,” LM, Dale Nevitt
Dealer and Dale came to the line at 11:01 am
F – Hooked the gunners to make a huge circle right, then deep and then left until he came up on the bird.
Ret. Bridge – Out to the left point, hunted the land and then water, then land, then water again - swam to the left point and got his bird.
Ret. Island – Great line headed under the arc then turned right - out of sight, then he was on the far bank and was handled back to the bird.
Handle 27. AFC WIGHT’S BEHIND THE EIGHT BALL, “Molly,” LF, Tracy Wight
Molly and Tracy came to the line at 10:54 am
F – Right to the bird, a couple turns and had it.
Ret. Bridge – Went straight to the area, turned and got her bird.
Ret. Island – Through the water and kept going, quickly handled back to the island.
Rerun Handle 20. FC-AFC SEASIDE’S CRADLE ROBBER - OMG QA2, “Crook,” LM, Mike Griffin
Crook and Mike came to the line at 10:45 am
Ret. Bridge – Went into the channel, came out on the right side with the guns, out and into the pond then onto the bird.
F – Next was the flyer and he went straight to it!
Ret. Island – He ran out to the left end of the pond, and was handled to the bird.
Handle 26. AFC THEY CALL ME FLAMIN MAIMEE, “Maimee,” LF, Kyle Broussard
Maimee and Kyle came to the line at 10:38 am
F – Took a line out under the arc, a couple loops and left to the bird.
Ret. Bridge – Went to the gun station point and made a few loops between that and the retiring guns, then swam across and got her bird.
Ret. Island – Dog heading left of the pond and was handled with multiple whistles to the bird.
25. THE BIG BRAVE, “Chief,” LM, Dennis Pugh
Chief and Dennis came to the line at 10:29 am
F – Out to the fall area and he got it!
Ret. Bridge – Stayed on land to the end, hunted the land then swam out into the decoys, swam to the point on the other side of the channel and got it1
Ret. Island – Took a line to the blind on land, hunted right and left, crossed to the island and got his bird.
24. AFC SALTY PAWS NELL, “Nell,” LF, Judy Rasmuson
Nell and Judy came to the line at 10:23 am
F – Out to the area, 1 loop and she was on to her bird.
Ret. Bridge – Straight across the pond to the bird, turned and scooped it up!
Ret. Island – Straight to the bird! Nice job!
Double Handle 23. RIPPLING RUN ABRACADABRA SHAZAM QA2, “Abby,” GF, Caroline (Kine) Torinus
Abby and Caroline came to the line at 10:14 am
F – Went deep, but worked her way back to her bird quickly
Ret. Bridge – Went out, turned around and came back - handler blew a whistle and gave a back - out to the point with the guns, then crossed the channel to her bird.
Ret. Island – Went out behind the blind wide right, came back up way down the canal on the right and was handled back to the island and the bird.
Handle 22. FC-AFC TIPPECANOE’S COSMIC JOURNEY, “Trek,” LM, George Wamsley
Trek and George came to the line at 10:04 am
F – Out to the fall area then to his bird.
Ret. Bridge – Into the channel and out on the right point with the gunners blind, then crossed the channel to get to his bird.
Ret. Island – Under the arc and up on the far side back down to the blind, out of sight for awhile, came back to the ridge and out of sight again. Trek is handled when he came out of the canal back to the bird.
21. FC-AFC SEASIDE LULA BLUE, “Lula,” LF, Kathy Vignos
Lula and Kathy came to the line at 9:45 am
F – Straight to the area and her bird.
Ret. Bridge – Went to the point, had a loop on the island and then into the water and straight over to her bird.
Ret. Island – Entered the water under the arc and went straight to her bird. Very nice!
Nobird 20. FC-AFC SEASIDE’S CRADLE ROBBER - OMG QA2, “Crook,” LM, Mike Griffin
Crook and Mike came to the line at 9:39 am and had a no bird, they will be back after 6 dogs
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19. BLACKWATER ICE & FIRE QA2, “Ember,” LF, Cathy Forsyth
Ember and Cathy came to the line at 9:33 am
F – Short flyer - took a line out wide left and deep, but moved back in and got it.
Ret. Bridge – Down and into the channel, came back out on the right bank by the holding blinds, hunted that point - then crossed the channel and got her bird!
Ret. Island – Swam out into the middle of the pond, turned right - got on the island and to her bird.
18. FC-AFC HIGH PEAK’S GOT CAFFEINE, “Buzz,” LM, Justin Aimone
Justin and Buzz came to the line at 9:23 am
F – Several loops behind the flyer guns, hunted both sides with a few loops on the left until locating his bird.
Ret. Bridge – Swam to the point and hunted where the guns were - made several loops in the water and back on the land, hunting the gunner area - then back into the water and over to his bird.
Ret. Island – Entered the water where the gunners were, immediately swam to the island and his bird! Nice!
Handle 17. AFC SALTY PAWS WILLIE MAKE IT, “Willie,” LM, Loren Morehouse
Willie and Loren came to the line ...
F – Straight to the fall area and then his bird.
Ret. Bridge – Hunted the point with the blind hard before crossing the channel and getting his bird.
Ret. Island – Into the pond left of the island, handled right and that put him on the bird.
Handle 15. FC-AFC 3R’S MISTER T’S TOMMY, “Timmy,” LM, Brad LaFave
Timmy and Brad came to the line at 9:08am
F – Straight to the area and his bird!
Ret. Bridge – Down the right side of the channel, to the blind area and where the guns stood, worked it out and swam across to his bird.
Ret. Island – Very wide left of the pond ... had to be handled to the bird.
Handle 14. FC-AFC HEARTBEAT’S SWEET GEORGIA PEACH, “Peaches,” LF, Julie Kobach
Peaches and Julie came to the line at 9:00 am
F – Straight to the bird!
Ret. Bridge – Swam to the point, one loop and got into the water, came back on point and then into the water again and straight to the bird.
Ret. Island – Went out across the pond, up and out, running up the mound, but before she could get too far out - she was immediately handled with 2 whistles and she got her bird.
Handle 13. CAFC SEASIDE’S LOST RIVER NIGHT HAWK QA2, “Dixon,” LF, Rod Neterer
Dixon and Rod came to the line ... (Dixon was vocal with excitement!)
F – Out across the field with the flyer, she hunted wide left and had an extended hunt before getting to her bird.
Ret. Bridge – Ran down the channel just getting her toes wet, straight to the fall area and the bird!
Ret. Island – Got in wide left and carried that line out, had to be handled back right to the bird.
12. AFC COLONIAL’S WE WILL ROCK YOU, “Rocky,” LM, Michael Coutu
Rocky and Michael came to the line at 8:43 am
F – Straight to the area, one turn and he got his bird!
Ret. Bridge – Went to the point, took a couple loops where the gunners had stood, then crossed the water to grab his bird.
Ret. Island – Line took him to where the gunners had stood, a short loop or two and then into the water to the island and the bird.
Handle 11. FC-AFC STONEY KNOLLS RATTLE THE SABER, “Jackson,” LM, Grayson Kelley
Jackson and Grayson came to the line at 8:33am
F – Out to the area of the fall, had a short hunt and he got it.
Ret. Bridge – Into the pond, swam the channel to the fall area, missed it - tight circle back into the water, up and his bird.
Ret. Island – Very wide right line out of the test - some difficulty getting back, several whistles to handle the dog back to the island and the bird.
Fancy and Dave came to the line at 8:25 am
F – Straight to the area, turned around and she got her bird!
Ret. Bridge – Ran to the point, got into the water and straight to her bird!
Ret. Island – Ran to the area where the birds were thrown, a couple loops and then into the water she went, straight to her bird! Nice job!
Handle 9. FC-AFC MARSHWIND’S OSKAR, “Oskar,” LM, Bente Kongsore
Oskar and Bente came to the line at 8:19 am
F – Out across the field, and he scooped it up on the run!
Ret. Bridge – Across the field and into the base of the pond, swam to the area where the guns stood, got out and made a quick loop by the blind and then back into the water, crossed the channel straight to his bird.
Ret. Island – Under the arc, drove to the far side and up the hill, a quick whistle brought him back down into the pond and onto his bird.
8. HOORAY FOR HENRY, “Henry,” LM, Marion Carey
Henry and Marion came to the line at 8:11 am
F – Straight to the area and to his bird!
Ret. Bridge – Initial line to the area, made a couple loops, then on to the next water and bridge area, then made his way back around and to the bird.
Ret. Island – Straight to the bird! Nice!
Handle 7. RP’S HEART OF DIXIE, “Dixie,” LF, Randy Price
Dixie and Randy came to the line at 8:04 am
F – Out to the area, a few turns and she got it!
Ret. Bridge – Into the right side of the pond, swam to the end and got out on the side with the guns, back into the pond past the guns, back to the point, into the pond again and swam left and to the bird.
Ret. Island – Out under the arc to the far side, up and out of the water, and was handled back to the bird.
Handle 6. FC-AFC SILVER STAR’S WATCH’EM LIKE A HAWK, “Hawk,” LM, Scott Leonescu
Hawk and Scott came to the line at 7:55 am
F – Straight to the area, small turn right and back to his bird.
Ret. Bridge – Went to where the guns stood, then back into the water and over to his bird.
Ret. Island – Line was right of the island, and he swam across and kept going on land, one whistle handle and he was back to get his bird.
Handle 5. AFC ELI’S BIG CHIEF, “Chief,” LM, Heather Pfluger
Chief and Heather came to the line at 7:46 am
F – Across the field, through the swale and out to the fall area and he stepped on it!
Ret. Bridge – Out to the tip of the point by the blind, came back to the left side of the point and into the pond, swam out by the decoys before turning back and going to the correct point and his bird!
Ret. Island – Out to the blind, under the arc close to the gunners, out of the pond and up the far side over the rim and out of sight, had to be handled back to the bird.
4. FC-AFC DOC’S MESA BOOGIE, “Mesa,” LF, William Smith
Mesa and Bill came to the line at 7:37 am
F – Went straight to the area, made one loop left and then back to her bird.
Ret. Bridge – Swam to the land area where the birds were thrown and hunted that area for a few loops, back into the water and straight to her bird.
Ret. Island – Ran to the corner of the pond and then into the water and swam to the island and got her bird!
Cooper and Bernard came to the line at 7:31 am
F – Came in very wide left, moved back across the field, looped out and he got it!
Ret. Bridge – Into the base of the channel, swam straight to the tulles, got out and grabbed his bird.
Ret. Island – Across the field, out into the pond in the middle, went just past the island and then turned and swam right up onto the island and his bird.
2. FC-AFC YOURS TRULY INDIGO, “Tru,” LF, Mark Medford2
Tru and Mark came to the line at 7:26 am
F – Straight to the bird!
Ret. Bridge – Great line out to the land, one curve and she was straight to the bird!
Ret. Island – Straight to the island and the bird! Nice Job!
Handle 1. NAFC-FC HOLLAND CLIFFS BLADE A FINE LINE, “Dozer,” LM, Alvin Hatcher
Dozer and Alvin came to the line at 7:19 am
F – Out to the field with the bird - he covered quite a bit of ground but he got it!
Ret. Bridge – Across the field into the channel, and into the far side and straight to his bird.
Ret. Island – Into the Pond under the arc and out the far side - handled back to the bird.
116. FC TOP GUN OAKLEY’S INZAYNITY, “Zayne,” LM, John Haight
Zayne and John came to the line at 7:11 am
F – He went out to the area, had 3 large loops in the area and then he had his bird!
Ret. Bridge – Zayne got in the water and beached where the guns threw. He swam across the water and ran the bridge and came back across again to his bird.
Ret. Island – Went to the water, swam left of the island, got up on the land and got his bird.
Gun Change Schedule
Gun Changes for today are scheduled to happen after dogs: 15, 35, 54, 73 and 97.
3rd Series Test Dogs
Owner: John Robinson, Kalispell, MT
Handler: John Robinson
First Test Dog up this morning was Buddy with handler John Robinson
F – Out across the field, through the 1st ditch across the field left of the fall area and worked deeper and he got it
Ret. Bridge – Into the near end of the channel, he cut the corner and went up hill for a loop right and got his bird.
Ret. Island – Across the field into the right corner of the water, up and out to the fence, and was handled back to the bird.
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John and Buddy |
Owners: The Davis Family, Owasso, OK
Handler: Seth Kelly
Next test dog to the line was Milli with handler Seth Kelly .... Milli came to the line at 6:45 am
F – Out to the fall area, 1 loop and she scooped it up.
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Seth and Milli |
3rd Series – Land and Water Triple with an Honor
104 dog/handler teams are back to this series to run this test.